The Gap, Magazine of the Bairnsdale School Inspectorate. 1920s series

This is a faithful copy of a series of extremely rare East Gippsland school magazines, giving a rare insight into the social life of the time. They mention numerous families of the area, with contributions from the children and include authoritative articles by historians of the time. Contributions are included from many of the small schools of East Gippsland that are long gone, from Briagolong and Boisdale to the NSW border. The Tambo Valley (Ensay to Omeo-Benambra), where the magazine started, is especially well represented.

This series was resumed in the 1960s, and a special issue produced in 1985. Kapana Press has indexed all issues, and it is hoped this index will be available on the internet some time in the near future. In the meantime, email requests for a check of the indexes are being accepted, and although it is not possible to provide copies of the actual items, some idication of content can sometimes be given.

For a check of the index, email and please put "Gap Index" in the subject line

So far published: 1920 $6.00, 1921 $9.00, 1922 $9.00.  

Postage: Please add $1.50 per book, up to a maximum total of $4.50.

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Last update: 17 Mar 2005